Our Seed Varieties
Black Bean Varieties
Our Products

From our 25 lb. bags to 2500 lb. totes, we are proud to offer the finest, Food Alliance certified sustainable dry beans in the country, all of which are identity Preserved (IP). Unlike other companies that mingle all of the beans from different growers, we track and separate our beans by grower and field. This IP system allows us to recognize and monitor quality standards and separate our beans by size, density, and texture to create the cleanest and most consistent product on the market.


Black Beans

Medium black-skinned ovals
Earthy, sweet flavor with a hint of mushroom
Also known as turtle or black turtle beans
Popular throughout Latin America
Cranberry Beans

Small rounded beans, ivory color with red markings that disappear on cooking
Creamy texture; subtle, nut-like taste
A favorite in northern Italian, spanish, and portuguese cuisines
Dark Red Kidney Beans

Large, kidney-shaped, deep reddish-brown
Robust, full-bodied, soft texture
Often used in chili; popular in salads; paired with rice
Garbanzo Beans

Beige to pale yellow; round, mottled appearance
Nutlike taste, battery texture
Creamy texture; subtle, nut-like taste
Called chickpeas; especially popular in Middle Eastern, Indian dishes-hummus, falafels, curries
Great Northern Beans

Navy Beans

Orca Beans

Pinto Beans


Medium sized, white color, oval shape
Mild flavor with powdery texture
Delicate flavor makes them a good choice for salads
Small white ovals; mild falvorwith powdery texture
Excellent in soups, chowders, and bean pot recipes
Also known as Small White Beans
An heirloom variety from Mexico but very rare in the U.S.
Most often used in thick soups or with rice
Named after the orca (killer) whale
Medium Ovals; mottled beige and brown color; earthy flavor and powdery texture
Favorite for chili, refried beans, and other Mexican-American dishes
Distinguished for succulent flavor and dappled, bicolor appearance
Rojo Chiquito Beans

Central American style small red bean
Retains firmness and bright red color after cooking
Soup Mix

Combines all our beans to create an outstanding and healthy soup mix
Easy to prepare and taste wonderful
Small Red Beans

Dark red color with flavor and properties similar to red kidney, only smaller
Bright red bean that adds sparkle to bean salads
Like all colored beans, can be substituted for any of the colored varieties

White Kidney Beans
Large kidney shaped bean, white in color, rich in fiber
Known for their texture and ability to absorb flavors
Use in soups, stews, chili's, and salads
Yellow Beans

Large oval shaped bean, yellow in color, rich in fiber
Known for their rich flavor and creamy texture
used for refried beans , soups, and stews

Our Bean Seed Varieties
Black Bean Seed Varieties
Eclipse Black Beans
Condor Black Beans
Zorro Black Beans
Zenith Black Beans

Eclipse has a dull black seed coat and dark glossy green leafs with purple flowers
Maturity is 99 days with a seed size of 2248 per pound and a height of 23.6 inches
Yield of Eclipse in the NDSU yield trials conducted in 2001-2003 were 23.9 cwt/acre, 22.7 cwt/acre, 27.3 cwt/acre

High yielding variety
Maturity is 91 to 98 days depending on the season and location
Plants average 20 inches in height
Condor has a typical small, opaque black bean seed
Condor exhibit better color retention than most commercial black beans varities
Resistant to rust, anthracnose, and BCMV

High yielding variety
Yielding an average of 27.8 cwt/acre
Mid season maturing variety. Maturing takes 88 to 90 days
Plants average 21 inches height
Zorro has a typical small, opaque black bean seed.
Resistant to strains of bean anthracnose, rust, and BCMV

Full season bean maturing in 100 days
Upright indeterminate short vine growth habitat with good resistance to lodging
Average yield of 27.5 cwt/acre
Resistance to anthracnose race 73, some rust races and seed borne bean common mosaic virus
Exhibits the best overall canning quality in the black bean market class
Dark Red Kidney Bean Seed Varieties
Montcalm Dark Red Kidney Beans
​​Full season bush type variety maturing in 95-105 days
Seed size of 850 seeds per pound
Resistant to halo blight and BCMV
Very popular variety
Over the years Montcalm has proven itself as the industry standard for both production and canning quality

Cabernet Dark Red Kidney Beans
Mid season bean maturing in 91 days
Low levels of field loss during harvest
Resistant to BCMV
Has a consistently high canning quality

Light Red Kidney Bean Seed Varieties
Pink Panther Light Red Kidney Beans
Mid season bean maturing in 90 days
Yields very well
Resistant to BCMV

Red Bean Seed Varieties
Merlot Small Red Beans
High yeilding red bean variety, average yeild is 24.8 cwt/acre
Average seed size is 39g per 100 seeds
Mid to full season variety maturing in an average of 92 days
Plants average 47 cm in height and are upright in appearance
Resistant to BCMV and rust

Rojo Chiquito Small Red Beans

Central American type small bean cultivar
Much smaller seed size
Mid to late season maturity
Resistant to BCMV

Lava Small Red Beans
Maturity of 94 to 95 days
Upright growth habit
Tolerance to lodging which promotes harvestability
Resistant to BCMV and rust
Navy Bean Seed Varieties
Alpena Navy Beans
Mid season bean maturing in 98 days
Has an average yield of 25.4 cwt.acre
Does not exhibit the green stem at harvest and has a very good dry down rate.
Resistant to seed-borne bean common Mosiac Virus.

AuSable Navy Beans
Early season maturity, maturing in 89 to 95 days
Exceptional dry down
Averaging 22.00g/100 seeds
Plants average 46.2 cm in height
Tolerance to white mold and BCMV

ND Polar Navy Beans
Matures in 102 days
High seed yield
Plants average 52 cm in height
Uniform dry down
acceptable canning quality
Resistant to BCMV, intermediate resistance to common Bacterial Blight

Pink Bean Seed Varieties
Coral Pink Beans
Matures in 95 days after planting
Plants average 42.7cm in height
Typical medium sized pink bean seed averaging 40.7g/100 seeds

Pinto Bean Seed Varieties
Island Pinto Beans
Maturity of 102 days after planting
High yielding
The average seed size is 38.5g/100 seeds
Island has the type II, indeterminate partially upright growth habitat with moderate vine, averaging 40 cm in height

ND Falcon Pinto Beans
USDA Basin Pinto Beans
Matures in approximately 105 days
Competitve seed yield compared to other commercial cultivars
Average seed size is 36.7g/ 100 seeds
Plants average 53cm in height
Maturity in approximately 99 days
High yielding
Resistant to BCMV and bean rust

SV6139GR Pinto Beans
Mature in 97 days after planting
Upright plant habit with good pod position making it suitable for direct combining
Plants average 53 cm in height
Resistant to BCMV and rust

Windbreaker Pinto Beans
Upright, indeterminate short-vine pinto bean that has produce consistently good yields.
Matures in 94 to 98 days.
Resistant to BCMV

Max Pinto Beans
Vine type of plant with a short runner on a medium height, moderatly upright plant
Maturity in 80 days after planting
Large seed with high mottle
Averages 3349 pounds per acre

Charro Pinto Beans
Maturity in 97 days after planting
Superior yield preformance
Seed size size ranges from 38 to 45g/100 seeds
Plants average 53 cm in height

Cody Pinto Beans
Maturity in 99 days after planting
Semi-upright growth habit
Resistance to BCMV and rust
Tolerance to drought and low soil fertility
Great Northern Bean Seed Varieties
ND Pegasus Great Northern Beans
ND Pegasus have a superior seed yeild compared to other commercial cultivar
Matures in approximately 103 days after planting
Plants average 71 cm in height
Intermediate resistance (tolerance) to white mold
Resistance to BCMV

Powderhorn Great Northern Beans
Matures in approximately 95 days from planting
White mold avoidence due to upright plant types
Resistant to BCMV and rust
Average yield of 27.2 cwt/acre

Cranberry Bean Seed Varieties
Etna Cranberry Beans
Average maturity of 88 days after planting
HIgh yield potential
Large seed size
Determinate bush
Resistant to BCMV

Yellow Bean Varieties
Early Barranca Yellow Beans

Orca Bean Varieties
Average maturity of 103 days after planting
Produces plump seed averaging 1085 per pund
plants average 60 cm in height
Orca / Anasazi Beans

Eiger Great Northern Beans
Eiger is a full season bean, flowering in 44 days and maturing 98 days after planting
Average seed weight of 38.7g/100 seed
Plants average 54cm in height and are significantly taller than other great northern varieties

Black and white mottled seeded dry bean with upright growth habitat
Matures on average between 100 and 110 days after planting
Resistant to BCMV
Has a high tolerance to curly top virus